Committed to exploring the ideas of George Bernard Shaw

                                                   ISS ELECTIONS

The International Shaw Society is pleased to announce nominations are now open through October 31, 2024, for the offices of President, Vice President, and Treasurer. The current officers have served six years and are not eligible to serve another term.


Nominations must be sent to They will be circulated among ISS members and published here as well.


Nominations and Seconds: 


Dorothy Hadfield for President — NOMINATION SECOND

Audrey McNamara for Vice President — NOMINATION


Welcome to the International Shaw Society

A community of scholars, theater practitioners, and enthusiasts committed to understanding and promoting the ideas and works of George Bernard Shaw. 

Community Info

News & Upcoming Events

GTG’s The Devil’s Disciple

Gingold Theatrical Group will bring you the first New York City production in 16 years of this highly popular adventure/romance/comedy! This spectacularly entertaining play by G.B.S. embraces actual 1777 events during the American Revolution. For

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2024 President’s Message

As a society of Bernard Shaw enthusiasts, theater practitioners, and scholars, we are dedicated to disseminating the ideas Shaw expressed in his books, both fiction and non-fiction, essays, speeches and particularly in his plays for

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Election Results

This fall the ISS issued a call for nominations for the positions of Recording Secretary and Membership Secretary. There was only one nomination for each position, so there was no need to run a formal

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