Geneva English Drama Society’s Pygmalion
Director: Neil-Jon Morphy13-17 May 2025, Théâtre de Terre-Sainte, Coppet (Switzerland) More information at
GTG’s The Devil’s Disciple
Gingold Theatrical Group will bring you the first New York City production in 16 years of this highly popular adventure/romance/comedy! This spectacularly entertaining play by G.B.S. embraces actual 1777 events during the American Revolution. For more information and tickets, visit
2024 President’s Message
As a society of Bernard Shaw enthusiasts, theater practitioners, and scholars, we are dedicated to disseminating the ideas Shaw expressed in his books, both fiction and non-fiction, essays, speeches and particularly in his plays for ingestion, dissection, discussion, and finally
Election Results
This fall the ISS issued a call for nominations for the positions of Recording Secretary and Membership Secretary. There was only one nomination for each position, so there was no need to run a formal election and the nominees were