Committed to exploring the ideas of George Bernard Shaw

Welcome to the International Shaw Society

A community of scholars, theater practitioners, and enthusiasts committed to understanding and promoting the ideas and works of George Bernard Shaw. 

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News & Upcoming Events

Shaw Symposium Schedule (Final)

FRIDAY 7/19 2pm My Fair Lady performance (Festival Theatre) 5:00pm Opening Discussion: Shaw, Pygmalion, and My Fair Lady (Niagara-on-the-Lake Museum, 42 Castlereagh St., NOTL). Open to the public. 6:30 pm Dinner on your own 8pm

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2024 President’s Message

As a society of Bernard Shaw enthusiasts, theater practitioners, and scholars, we are dedicated to disseminating the ideas Shaw expressed in his books, both fiction and non-fiction, essays, speeches and particularly in his plays for

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Election Results

This fall the ISS issued a call for nominations for the positions of Recording Secretary and Membership Secretary. There was only one nomination for each position, so there was no need to run a formal

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